today  \  25 April
tomorrow  \  26 April
Ersan Mondtag

Hip hop, Theatre Hip hop, Theatre, For all

Ersan Mondtag

De Living (Le Salon)

Festival 100%

from to

Grande Halle

starting from €8

duration: 1h15

Book your tickets


  • Full rate 15€
  • Subscribers and Villette card 10€
Price packages


The last hour in the life of an ordinary human. The show starts with a woman coming home to her living room and ends with her killing herself. Or is it the other way round? Can this hour also be told backwards – bringing her to life again? What is she doing in her last hour? Is it possible to understand her act, to see what she thinks and feels, even to accept her decision? Is there a way to keep her from killing herself or is this an inevitable step, even a liberation?

Theatre history is full of characters that die or kill themselves in the end. Antonio and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet – from the beginning on, the audience knows that they will die in the last act, but still they go to see the show. What is it that we learn – or that pleases us – in watching the inevitability of dying, even when we know the story and its end beforehand? It seems like spectators throughout theatre history enjoy the feeling of inescapability and fatalism. But what about this feeling in our society and in politics today? What if we feel or realize our own political inability to act? The paralyzing impotence can be an overwhelming feeling, as unstoppable as a death sentence. How can one regain the power to overcome this feeling of impotence and paralysis that is dominating our society more and more? So, maybe, if one part of ourselves kills the other, this could overcome paralysis, this could be a kind of self-empowerment, even a revolution. 

Practical information

From June, 4th to 6th
Every day at 8pm


Getting here

Porte de Pantin

75, 151, PC 2 et 3 : Porte de Pantin

Porte de Pantin

Production credits

Conception, direction, scénographie Ersan Mondtag Dramaturgie Eva-Maria Bertschy Avec Doris Bokongo Nkumu & Nathalie Bokongo Nkumu


Park map


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